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dSUzQZGKLynajJsX (Cie) Di, 2. Okt 2012 21:34 Uhr
Verfasser | | Cie |
Datum | | Di, 2. Okt 2012 21:34 Uhr |
Betreff | | dSUzQZGKLynajJsX |
Far as I'm concerned, your utdape schedule is totally up to you. Just because you're doing something awesome on the internet, doesn't give the internet any right to tell you how.I will say, though, that there's something uniquely thrilling about regular utdapes in serialized fiction. Having a whole book in front of you is one thing but having a good book produced and made available on a faithful schedule is something really special. It seems that even the best can't keep this up for very long, not while maintaining quality, [cf. life, etc.] but you did for quite awhile, and I really appreciated that.Since you mentioned it, though, why is strong moderation censorship? You wouldn't be denying folks the right to express their views, just the ability to do so right here in the comment thread that you pay to maintain. If you want to scrub your readers' fouler effluvia, isn't that up to you?