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» Neuen Beitrag schreiben
IhqFVcctUXAFIdF (Bandot) Mi, 3. Okt 2012 02:22 Uhr
Verfasser | | Bandot |
Datum | | Mi, 3. Okt 2012 02:22 Uhr |
Betreff | | IhqFVcctUXAFIdF |
don't worry about upload shludece. after all, your health is what is most important. if you died before the comic was finished, their would be many spin offs. you would be greived as much as great lets players like chuggaconroy or nintendocaprisun. and the spin offs would never do the original justice. don't push yourself. focus on getting better, not on hurrying to get the next page in. after all, if we can handle the upload shludece of boxer hockey, then we can handle this. not every web comic can upload twice a week, like cucumber's quest.if you do the best you can, then you are doing the best possible. fear not what others think of you, and let your wings soar. (i have no idea if that is from something or not, but i just thought of it on the spur of the moment)