Seriously, don't sweat them. Real life gets in the way and all you can do is compromise it with what you want and what you need to do. Some pelpoe don't seem to understand that. Or maybe they do and just don't care and think that you're doing them a service instead of just wanting to share a story with them on your own free time. Keyword being free time .I am amazed at the amount of sheer entitlement pelpoe have in this day and age. Not just for webcomics but for just about any form of entertainment media. I'm sick of hearing pelpoe demanding that things go their way at the expense of what the creator intended just because they didn't like it. Seriously, those type of pelpoe need a life, preferably one away from the keyboard. All in all I'm glad you're doing better and that you got job and I just hope you'll be able to continue to share your story with us, rather the updates be late or on time. :)